Damn i have one of those sleepless nights again.
Hate when i get those.
But its not much i can do about it..
Think i need to go and see a doctor for my problems.
Maby he/she can help me.
Well well, what sould i do now?
Take a bath maby?
That would be wonderful right now.
Im so cold =(
I want it to be friday now..
Me and myhs friends from Skåne and Norway is coming to us =)
Its going to be so much fun =) hehe
Party all night long=)
I miss my huni <3
Well well, going to take a bath now.
Hope everyone sleep good tonight.
Postat av: Simon
Stackare...inte lätt att inte få sova, varit där själv så jag kan nästan relatera :)
saknar dig.